Upcoming Blogs

Here are some Blog topics in the works for 2024.

Completed: January 2024

Can an Evangelical Enjoy Meaningful Communication With An Atheist?
Or vice versa?

Christian author Dr. Elizabeth Youmans thinks so… at least that what she writes. Dr. Youmans is an advocate for Christian Education, which she believes should be based entirely on the bible. We’ll explore just how willing she is to have meaningful communication with someone who doesn’t believe in the bible.

Scheduled: March. 2024

Answering the Music Man

A gaggle of Theists attempt to discredit renown Atheist Dan Barker. One would think that the easiest way to discredit an Atheist is to prove the existence of God. But, that’s not what they do. Instead they question his definition of words. We’ll see how that works for them.

Scheduled: Spring 2024

What’s the Truth Dammit?

Evangelicals believe they are the keepers of an objective truth which can only be found it their inerrant bible. 

But just how inerrant is the bible and how true is their truth?