Full Armor of God 3

Full Armor of God 3

Happy Marti Gras!

Not that this blog has anything to do with Marti Gras, but I wish you a happy one none the less!


The Full Armor of God – Conclusion

The battle in the twenty-first century is a spiritual and cultural battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation! It is a war of ideas and requires spiritual weapons with which to wage it! Dr. Elizabeth Youmans

In the two previous blogs we examined an article from bibleinfo.com about the full armor of God (as found in Ephesians 6). In part one we discussed the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness. In part two we discussed the shoes of the gospel of peace, and the shield of faith. In this blog we’ll take a closer look at the remaining two articles of the armor: the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit (i.e. the bible) plus some added instructions that (according to the bibleinfo.com article) are needed to make the armor fully functional so it can actually protect as advertised. But we’ll get to that in a bit.

But, before we get into that, let’s take a side trip. This week I serendipitously stumbled on a blog that Dr. Bart Ehrman wrote about ten years ago called “The Religion of a Sixteen-Year-Old.” Ehrman writes,

The Religion of a Sixteen-Year-Old.

Isn’t it very strange indeed that so many people of faith… think that even though they are supposed to grow, and mature, and develop new ideas, and chart new territories, and acquire new knowledge, and change their understandings as they get older in every other aspect of their lives, they are supposed to hold on to pretty much the SAME religious views that were satisfying to them as a sixteen-year-old? That is one of the things that I find most puzzling and dissatisfying and frustrating about many evangelical Christians is that the views they put forth, are at the intellectual and spiritual level of sophistication of a 16-year-old. There’s something wrong about that.

I was 16 years old when I became a christian, so Ehrman’s article is particularly relevant for me. In a previous blog I talked about how and why I ended up walking away from christianity. I realize now that perhaps it was the result of me maturing intellectually and refusing to unquestionably hold on to the religion that I was introduced to in 1972.

Maybe you are beginning to question what you are being told from the pulpit, like I was back then. If so, let me say that it’s okay to question, it’s not only okay, it’s the right thing to do. Just realize, if you begin to question, you might lose some friends. Do it anyway.

So, let’s see what bibleinfo.com has to say about the last two articles of the Full Armor of God.

Helmet of salvation

The helmet protects the head—perhaps the most vital part of the body since it is the seat of thought and the mind. When we have a sure knowledge of our salvation, we will not be moved by Satan’s deceptions. When we are certain that we are in Christ with our sins forgiven, we will have a peace that nothing can disturb.

What’s important to remember here, is that the concept of “sin” is made up by religions. I’m not a religious studies expert but I’m pretty sure that every religion in the history of mankind has had some concept of sin. There’s always some way that humans are displeasing to their gods. And when the gods became angry, they retaliated by causing drought, floods, earthquakes or even war and (as an act of kicking them when they’re down), the famine that always seems to follow such events. Religion is the process of appeasing the gods. “What have we done to displease the gods and how can we make it right.?” There are many stories of how different civilizations have worked to appease their gods, for example, by offering up grains or “first fruits” as payment for a bountiful harvest, or, as in Hebrew tradition, offering animal sacrifices. Whatever it takes.

Christianity, however, has taken this concept to a whole new level. It’s not something we have done to displease the Abrahamic god, it’s something the first man and woman did, and as their descendants, we displease this god simply by being born. Because of something the mythical Adam and Eve supposedly did in the Garden of Eden; the entire human race is condemned to an eternity in hell.  The only way to escape this dismal fate is to join the Jesus Club. Even when I was active in church, I never really bought into that theology. How about you? Is that what you believe?

Now let’s return to the last article of the Armor of God.

Sword of the spirit

The sword of the spirit is the only weapon of offense listed in the armor of God. All the other parts are defensive in nature. God’s Word—the Bible—is described as “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword”. God’s Word is truth (John 17:17). That is why it is so powerful. That is why it is so important that we study the Bible and become familiar with its truths and its power. The sword of God’s Word both protects us and destroys our enemy—the devil and his temptations.

Notice that the reasoning bibleinfo.com gives for the proposition that the bible is true, is that the bible says it’s true. That’s not how it works. Is there no other way to show that the bible is true other than it saying it is? Apparently not. I have yet to encounter a christian (even a trained apologists) who is able to provide a list of credible non-Christian sources that confirm the historicity of the main tenants of the bible. Yet, for evangelicals, it’s all true… “for the bible tells me so”. Another topic we’ll explore further in an upcoming blog.

The bible verse “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” comes from the book of Hebrews 4:12. Here is the verse in its entirety.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper then any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart.

I have three issues of concern about this verse. First, evangelicals believe that the letter to the Hebrews was written by the apostle Paul, but biblical scholars pretty much agree that it was not. This is a problem for evangelicals because it brings into question the inerrancy of the bible, and that can’t be allowed. So, as we have seen before, they will continue to believe it was written by Paul despite evidence to the contrary.

Second, experts believe that the book of Hebrews was penned somewhere around the year 65 CE. The New Testament did not even exist yet, three of the four gospels had not even been written yet. So, what exactly is he referring to when he says the “word of God”. I read one commentary on this verse that refers to John 1:1 saying that Jesus is the word of God. Funny that the gospel of John wouldn’t be written for another 30 years. So that can’t be it. Is it referring to the ancient Hebrew texts? Possibly, but even if it was, what percentage of people in the first century actually had access to, and were literate enough to read them? Easily less than 10%. It would be like saying that it’s more accurate to read the NT in the original Greek. How many people can do that? It can’t cut to the quick if you don’t have access to it.

And lastly, read the verse again. The intent of this sword is not only to “destroy our enemy” but also to dismember him, as in “piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow”. I don’t give much credence to the bible at this stage of my life, but I do believe that modern day christians who use this verse to say that all scripture (even the NT) is “a powerful weapon” are greatly misrepresenting it, as does Dr. Elizabeth Youmans. I wish they all would stop weaponizing the bible.

The bibleinfo.com article adds a couple more thoughts about the articles of the armor. Apparently, it’s not enough to just put on the armor of God, it’s useless without this essential addition.


Although prayer is not one of the pieces of the whole armor of God… you need to bathe it all in prayer. Prayer brings you into communion and fellowship with God so that His armor can protect you.

So, do I understand this right?  It’s not enough to be wearing all the articles of armor, they won’t work unless they are “bathed” in prayer? After all this exhortation to “put on the armor of God” it doesn’t protect anything unless you follow the directions to the very end. But bibleinfo.com isn’t done yet. There’s one more surprise regarding the armor.

How do you put on the whole armor of God?

It isn’t as difficult as you might think. All the pieces of the armor are found in a relationship with Jesus. When you give yourself to Jesus and “put on” His righteousness, you are clothed in the whole armor of God.

Let me see if I have this right, the complete ensemble of the armor of God is included free of charge with a membership to the Jesus club. How convenient! Don’t worry about it or waste your time putting on the full armor of God because it’s already part of the Jesus club uniform.

In conclusion, the bibleinfo.com article is very simplistic and seems to have been written for “a 16-year-old” (of any age) whose understanding of what’s actually in their bible is limited.  If that kind of simplistic explanation is no longer acceptable to you, you’re headed in the right direction. Keep seeking the truth and you will find it.  Keep questioning what you are being told from the pulpit. Do your homework, and don’t let someone else decide what’s right for you.  A great place to start would be by reading Dr. Ehrman’s book Forged.

Ehrman tells the story of when he dedicated himself to following the actual truth of the New Testament, no matter where it led him, he was no longer welcomed in evangelical circles. This might happen to you too. But I can tell you that it’s worth it. You’ll find yourself on a solid ground that you never knew existed. As Dr. Ehrman discovered, being outside the evangelical camp… “is a lush paradise compared with the barren camp of fundamentalism.”

Learn to question everything!


Prepare yourself for the opposition you’ll encounter as a result.


From Where I Stand

Dale Crum
